Zambia Centre for Accountancy Studies

BCE41-DE Bachelor of Computing With Education Fourth Year (Online) [bce41-de.ics]
(09/04/2022 - 22/04/2022)
09/04/2022Sat   BFS41/BBE41/BBA41 - Research Methods  BCE431/BBC431 - Web Engineering   
10/04/2022SunEDU441 - Computer/Accounting Teaching Methods 3 BCE411 - Computer Security      
11/04/2022MonBCE431/BBC431 - Web Engineering BBC411 - Advanced Databases    BCE411 - Computer Security
12/04/2022Tue   BCE431/BBC431 - Web Engineering BFS41/BBE41/BBA41 - Research Methods    
13/04/2022WedBBC411 - Advanced Databases BFS41/BBE41/BBA41 - Research Methods  EDU422 - Curriculum Theory and Practice BCE411 - Computer Security
14/04/2022Thu   EDU422 - Curriculum Theory and Practice BBC411 - Advanced Databases EDU441 - Computer/Accounting Teaching Methods 3
15/04/2022FriEDU441 - Computer/Accounting Teaching Methods 3         

Mimosa Scheduling SoftwareMimosa Scheduling SoftwareMimosa Scheduling Software Version 7.1.10 (13/04/2022 10:55)