Zambia Centre for Accountancy Studies

Mweshi Geofrey K (Dr) [gkm.ics]
(09/04/2022 - 22/04/2022)
10/04/2022SunBFS11/BACC11-introduction to management/Principles of Management MEF111/MPM142 - Graduate Research Methods BUSI1604 - Foundations of Scholarship and Research MBF211 - Operations & Supply Chain Management
11/04/2022MonDBA222 - Supply Chain Networks    BFS11/BACC11-introduction to management/Principles of Management MARK1202 - International Purchasing and Supply chain Management
12/04/2022TueMEF111/MPM142 - Graduate Research Methods DBA222 - Supply Chain Networks BUSI1604 - Foundations of Scholarship and Research MBF211 - Operations & Supply Chain Management
13/04/2022WedBFS11/BACC11-introduction to management/Principles of Management MBF211 - Operations & Supply Chain Management  MARK1202 - International Purchasing and Supply chain Management   
14/04/2022ThuDBA222 - Supply Chain Networks MEF111/MPM142 - Graduate Research Methods BUSI1604 - Foundations of Scholarship and Research   
15/04/2022FriMARK1202 - International Purchasing and Supply chain Management         

Mimosa Scheduling SoftwareMimosa Scheduling SoftwareMimosa Scheduling Software Version 7.1.10 (13/04/2022 10:55)