Zambia Centre for Accountancy Studies

NCC Level 3 - DE (Online) [nccl3-de.ics]
(09/04/2022 - 22/04/2022)
09/04/2022SatNCCMT - Mathematical Techniques ITC - Introduction to Computing      
10/04/2022SunNCCITS - IT Skills NCCSCS - Study and Communication Skills NCCITP - Introduction to Programming   
11/04/2022MonNCCMT - Mathematical Techniques ITC - Introduction to Computing      
12/04/2022TueNCCITS - IT Skills NCCSCS - Study and Communication Skills    NCCITP - Introduction to Programming
13/04/2022WedNCCMT - Mathematical Techniques ITC - Introduction to Computing      
14/04/2022ThuNCCITS - IT Skills NCCSCS - Study and Communication Skills NCCITP - Introduction to Programming   

Mimosa Scheduling SoftwareMimosa Scheduling SoftwareMimosa Scheduling Software Version 7.1.10 (13/04/2022 10:55)