Zambia Centre for Accountancy Studies

Scott Tembo (DR) [st-pt.ics]
(09/04/2022 - 22/04/2022)
09/04/2022Sat   BDF231 - Development and Growth MPM131 - Project Implementation, monitoring Evaluation and Reporting BPA251 - Development Administration
10/04/2022Sun   BME311 - Theory & Models of M&E      
11/04/2022MonBDF231 - Development and Growth    MPM131 - Project Implementation, monitoring Evaluation and Reporting   
12/04/2022TueBME311 - Theory & Models of M&E    BDF231 - Development and Growth   
13/04/2022WedBPA251 - Development Administration MPM131 - Project Implementation, monitoring Evaluation and Reporting      
14/04/2022ThuBME311 - Theory & Models of M&E    BPA251 - Development Administration   

Mimosa Scheduling SoftwareMimosa Scheduling SoftwareMimosa Scheduling Software Version 7.1.10 (13/04/2022 10:55)