Zambia Centre for Accountancy Studies

GC_FT:Gerald Chimbukuma(Mr) [gc_ft.ics]
(Mon - Fri)
[1]MonE1:E1 - Managing Finance in the Digital World    SBR FT:SBR - Strategic Business ReportingFR(F7) FT:FR(F7) - Financial Reproting    
[1]TueFR(F7) FT:FR(F7) - Financial Reproting E1:E1 - Managing Finance in the Digital World D8:D8 - Financial Reporting     
[1]Wed   D8:D8 - Financial Reporting        
[1]ThuSBR FT:SBR - Strategic Business Reporting           
[1]FriFR(F7) FT:FR(F7) - Financial Reproting SBR FT:SBR - Strategic Business Reporting E1:E1 - Managing Finance in the Digital WorldD8:D8 - Financial Reporting    

Mimosa Scheduling SoftwareMimosa Scheduling SoftwareMimosa Scheduling Software Version 7.1.10 (12/07/2022 13:11)