Zambia Centre for Accountancy Studies

LM_FT:Lubosi Mwitumwa(Mr) [lm_ft.ics]
(Mon - Fri)
[1]MonL6M1 PT:L6M1 - Strategic Ethical Leadership L6M2 PT:L6M2 - Global Commercial Strategy     M1-L3 :M1-L3 - Business Theory PT/Online 
[1]TueL5M4 FT:L5M4 - Advanced Contract & Financial Mnagament  L4M4 FT:L4M4 - Ethical and Responsible Sourcing L6M2 PT:L6M2 - Global Commercial Strategy      
[1]WedL6M3 PT:L6M3 - Global Strategic Supply Chain Management L3M2 FT:L3M2 - Ethical Procurement and Supply     M1-L3 :M1-L3 - Business Theory PT/Online 
[1]ThuL5M4 FT:L5M4 - Advanced Contract & Financial Mnagament  L6M3 PT:L6M3 - Global Strategic Supply Chain Management         
[1]FriL4M7 FT:L4M7 - Whole Life Asset Management L3M2 FT:L3M2 - Ethical Procurement and Supply L6M1 PT:L6M1 - Strategic Ethical Leadership      

Mimosa Scheduling SoftwareMimosa Scheduling SoftwareMimosa Scheduling Software Version 7.1.10 (12/07/2022 13:11)