[1] | Mon | NCCIC:Introduction to Computer Science | | BDF222-FT:BDF222-FT Project Finance | | BME222-FT:BME222-Project Communication and Advocacy in M&E | BBF132-FTa:BBF132-Business Mathematics | | BIT422-PT:BIT422-Strategic Managemnt of IT
[1] | Tue | NCCL5ISO-FT:NCCL5ISO-FT: Information Systems & Organisation | | BEF112-FT:BEF112-FT Introduction to Macroeconomics | | BME222-FT:BME222-Project Communication and Advocacy in M&E | BBF132-FTa:BBF132-Business Mathematics | | NCCISO-PT:NCCISO-Information Systems and Organisation
[1] | Wed | NCCSFC1-FT:SFC-Skills for Computing | | NCCL5ISO-FT:NCCL5ISO-FT: Information Systems & Organisation | | BMC212-FTa:BMC212-Internet Technologies | ABED5UIBPa:ABED5UIBP-Innovation and Business Performance | | MIT 132: Business Intelligence and Data Mining
[1] | Thu | L211-FT:L211 - Commercial Law 1 | | FIADIPL/D10:FIADIPL/D10-Taxation | | BEF112-FT:BEF112-FT Introduction to Macroeconomics | ABED5UIBPa:ABED5UIBP-Innovation and Business Performance | | |
[1] | Fri | BPA342-FTa:BPA342-Gender, Women and Development | BFI422-FTa:BFI422-Econometrics | | | ABED5UIBPa:ABED5UIBP-Innovation and Business Performance | BDF222-FT:BDF222-FT Project Finance | BAC112-PT:BAC112-Introduction to Economics
[1] | Sat | NCCPBO-PT:NCCPBO-Principles Of Business Operation | | | | | | | BAF432-PT:BAF432-PT Innovation and Entrepreneurship | |
| 08:00-09:00 | 09:00-10:00 | Break | 10:30-11:30 | 11:30-12:30 | Lunch | 14:00-15:00 | 15:00-16:00 | 16:00-17:00 | Part Time | 17:30-18:45 | 18:45-20:10