Marien Matafwali (Ms) [1]
   Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
BHR242-Industrial Psychology
Marien Matafwali (Ms)
R016-New Building Gr Floor Near Vending Machine
BAHRM22-Bachelor of Arts in Human Resources Management S 30/08/2021
PL111-FT Communications Skills (Session One)
BScITS12-Bachelor of Science in Internet Technologies & Security S 30/08/2021 BScIT12-Bachelor of Science in Information Technology S 30/08/2021
Marien Matafwali (Ms)
BBE12-FT/PT Bachelor of Business Entrepreneurship Starters S 30/08/2021
Lecture Theatre Room 123/124 1st Floor New Building
BBA-Bachelor of Business Administration Starters S 30/08/2021 BEF12-FT/PT Bachelor of Economics and Finance (Starters)) S 30/08/2021
BDF12-FT/PT BSc in Development Finance (Starters) S 30/08/2021 BEF-FT/PT(R) Bachelor of Economics and Finance (Returning) S 30/08/2021
PL111-FT Communications Skills (Session One)
BScITS12-Bachelor of Science in Internet Technologies & Security S 30/08/2021 BScIT12-Bachelor of Science in Information Technology S 30/08/2021
Marien Matafwali (Ms)
BBE12-FT/PT Bachelor of Business Entrepreneurship Starters S 30/08/2021
Lecture Theatre Room 123/124 1st Floor New Building
BBA-Bachelor of Business Administration Starters S 30/08/2021 BEF12-FT/PT Bachelor of Economics and Finance (Starters)) S 30/08/2021
BDF12-FT/PT BSc in Development Finance (Starters) S 30/08/2021 BEF-FT/PT(R) Bachelor of Economics and Finance (Returning) S 30/08/2021
BHR242-Industrial Psychology
Marien Matafwali (Ms)
R016-New Building Gr Floor Near Vending Machine
BAHRM22-Bachelor of Arts in Human Resources Management S 30/08/2021
PL111-FT Communications Skills (Session Two)
BAF12-FT/PT Bachelor of Accounting and Finance Starters S 30/08/2021 BAFS-FT/PT Bachelor of Arts in Financial Services Starters S 30/08/2021 BBC12-FT/PT Bachelor of Business Computing ZCASU S 30/08/2021
BBF12-FT/PT BSc Banking & Finance Starters S 30/08/2021 BEC12-FT/PT Bachelor of Arts in Economics S 30/08/2021 BFI12-FT/PT BSc Finance & Investments Management Starters S 30/08/2021 BMA12-Bachelor of Management Accounting Starters S 30/08/2021
BScSCS12-Bachelor of Science in Security and Crime Science S 30/08/2021 Pre-Law Degree Starters+Continuing S 30/08/2021
PL111-FT Communications Skills (Session Two)
BAF12-FT/PT Bachelor of Accounting and Finance Starters S 30/08/2021 BAFS-FT/PT Bachelor of Arts in Financial Services Starters S 30/08/2021 BBC12-FT/PT Bachelor of Business Computing ZCASU S 30/08/2021
BBF12-FT/PT BSc Banking & Finance Starters S 30/08/2021 BEC12-FT/PT Bachelor of Arts in Economics S 30/08/2021 BFI12-FT/PT BSc Finance & Investments Management Starters S 30/08/2021 BMA12-Bachelor of Management Accounting Starters S 30/08/2021
BScSCS12-Bachelor of Science in Security and Crime Science S 30/08/2021 Pre-Law Degree Starters+Continuing S 30/08/2021
BFS422-FT Dissertation
BScME42-Bachelor of Science in Monitoring and Evaluation S 30/08/2021 BAPAM42-Bachelor of Arts in Public Administration & Management S 30/08/2021 BAHRM42-Bachelor of Arts in Human Resource Management S 30/08/2021
BFI42-FT/PT BSC Finance & Investments Management S 30/08/2021 BAC42-bachelor of Accountancy S 30/08/2021 BACC42-FT/PT Bachelor of Accounting S 30/08/2021 BAF42-FT/PT Bachelor of Accounting and Finance S 30/08/2021
BAFS42-FT/PT Bachelor of Arts in Financial Services S 30/08/2021 BBA42-FT/PT Bachelor of Business Administration S 30/08/2021
Part Time
BFS422-PT Dissertation
BFI42-FT/PT BSC Finance & Investments Management S 30/08/2021 BEF42-FT/PT Bachelor of Economics & Finance S 30/08/2021 BACC42-FT/PT Bachelor of Accounting S 30/08/2021
Room 6 - Old Building Ground Floor
BAFS42-FT/PT Bachelor of Arts in Financial Services S 30/08/2021 BBA42-FT/PT Bachelor of Business Administration S 30/08/2021
BAF42-FT/PT Bachelor of Accounting and Finance S 30/08/2021
Marien Matafwali (Ms)
BBAA PT - Bachelor of Arts in Accounting S 30/08/2021
Communication Skills (Part time)
BBC12-FT/PT Bachelor of Business Computing ZCASU S 30/08/2021 BScIT12-Bachelor of Science in Information Technology S 30/08/2021 BScITS12-Bachelor of Science in Internet Technologies & Security S 30/08/2021
BScSCS12-Bachelor of Science in Security and Crime Science S 30/08/2021 BScNE12-Bachelor of Science in Network Engineering S 30/08/2021 BAF12-FT/PT Bachelor of Accounting and Finance Starters S 30/08/2021
Marien Matafwali (Ms)
Lecture Theatre Room 123/124 1st Floor New Building
BBE12-FT/PT Bachelor of Business Entrepreneurship Starters S 30/08/2021
Mimosa Scheduling SoftwareMimosa Scheduling Software Mimosa Scheduling Software 7.1.10 08/07/2022 15:01
Zambia Centre for Accountancy Studies