Room 130 - Old Building 1st Floor [1]
   Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
L221-Business Associations
Nguluwe C (Mr)
Room 130 - Old Building 1st Floor
LLB-Commercial Law Year 2 Semester-1-FT/PT S 30/08/2021
L141/LLB141-Criminal Law
Chirwa N (Mrs)
Room 130 - Old Building 1st Floor
LLB-Commercial Law Year 1 Semester-1 Day and Evening-FT/PT S 30/08/2021
L112/LLB311- Jurisprudence
Chirwa N (Mrs)
LLB-Commercial Law Year 1 Semester-2-FT/PT S 30/08/2021
Room 130 - Old Building 1st Floor
E2-Managing Performance
Room 130 - Old Building 1st Floor
Kwenda J (Ms)
S 26/07/2021
Comp1682-Computing Project
Malumo A (Mr)
Room 130 - Old Building 1st Floor
BSc(Hons) COMPUTING (NEW) Full Time
S 30/08/2021
BPS242-Procurement Legal Framework
Room 130 - Old Building 1st Floor
Mweshi Geofrey K (Dr)
BScPS-FT/PT Bachelor of Science in Procurement & Supply S 30/08/2021
ZICA 3.1 Advanced Financial Reporting
ZICA Chartered Accountant Advisory Level
S 26/07/2021
Mwelwa J (Mr)
Room 130 - Old Building 1st Floor
BNE132-Computer Engineering Mathematics
Chisala Gillien (Ms)
BScITS12-Bachelor of Science in Internet Technologies & Security S 30/08/2021 BScMC12-Bachelor of Science (Hons) Mobile Computing S 30/08/2021 BScNE12-Bachelor of Science in Network Engineering S 30/08/2021
Room 130 - Old Building 1st Floor
BScSCS12-Bachelor of Science in Security and Crime Science S 30/08/2021
Advanced Wireless Networks
IT Lecture3
Room 130 - Old Building 1st Floor
BScMC22-Bachelor Of Science in Mobile Computing S 30/08/2021
Advanced Wireless Networks
IT Lecture3
Room 130 - Old Building 1st Floor
BScMC22-Bachelor Of Science in Mobile Computing S 30/08/2021
Marketing Metrics
Room 130 - Old Building 1st Floor
Mweemba B (Mr)
BMM32-FT/PT Bachelor of Science in Marketing Management S 30/08/2021
L221-Business Associations
Nguluwe C (Mr)
Room 130 - Old Building 1st Floor
LLB-Commercial Law Year 2 Semester-1-FT/PT S 30/08/2021
BEC22-FT/PT Bachelor of Arts in Economics S 30/08/2021
Room 130 - Old Building 1st Floor
Muya C (Mrs)
BEF22-FT/PT Bachelor of Economics & Finance S 30/08/2021
L141/LLB141-Criminal Law
Chirwa N (Mrs)
Room 130 - Old Building 1st Floor
LLB-Commercial Law Year 1 Semester-1 Day and Evening-FT/PT S 30/08/2021
E2-Managing Performance
Room 130 - Old Building 1st Floor
Kwenda J (Ms)
S 26/07/2021
L112/LLB311- Jurisprudence
Chirwa N (Mrs)
LLB-Commercial Law Year 1 Semester-2-FT/PT S 30/08/2021
Room 130 - Old Building 1st Floor
BEF211-Business Finance
IT Lecture4
BSA12-FT/PT Bachelor of Science in Accountancy Returning S 30/08/2021
Room 130 - Old Building 1st Floor
BSAC12R-FT/PT Bachelor of Science in Accounting Returning S 30/08/2021
Part Time
S1-Session One
Room 130 - Old Building 1st Floor
Lecturer to advised
BPAC431-Project Management
Room 130 - Old Building 1st Floor
BAC132-Introduction to Quantitative Methods
Chisala Gillien (Ms)
BBC12-FT/PT Bachelor of Business Computing ZCASU S 30/08/2021
Room 130 - Old Building 1st Floor
BAF12-FT/PT Bachelor of Accounting and Finance Starters S 30/08/2021 BAFS12-FT/PT Bachelor of Arts in Financial Services Returning S 30/08/2021 BBE12-FT/PT Bachelor of Business Entrepreneurship Starters S 30/08/2021
BMM12-FT/PT Bachelor of Science in Marketing Management Returning S 10/08/2020 BBA-Bachelor of Business Administration Starters S 30/08/2021 BEF12-FT/PT Bachelor of Economics and Finance (Starters)) S 30/08/2021
Comp1682-Computing Project
BSc(Hons) COMPUTING (NEW) Part Time
S 30/08/2021
Malumo A (Mr)
Room 130 - Old Building 1st Floor
ACCA-Advanced Financial Management
Room 130 - Old Building 1st Floor
Mukuma R (Mr)
Mimosa Scheduling SoftwareMimosa Scheduling Software Mimosa Scheduling Software 7.1.10 08/07/2022 15:02
Zambia Centre for Accountancy Studies