Executive Lab 1 - Room 204 Second Floor New Building [1] | ||||||
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday | |
08:00-09:00 | L232-Banking Law II Executive Lab 1 - Room 204 Second Floor New Building Rolls D (Mr) LLB - Commercial Law Year 2 - Semester 2 S 30/08/2021 | BNE 322-Database Engineering Executive Lab 1 - Room 204 Second Floor New Building Zulu J (Mr) BScBNE32-Bachelor of Science in Network Engineering S 30/08/2021 | BTS 212-Operating Systems Mwiinga J (Mr) Executive Lab 1 - Room 204 Second Floor New Building BScITS22-Bacheloar of Science in Internet Technologies and Security S 30/08/2021 |
BNE 332-Programming in C++ Prudence Kalunga (Ms) Executive Lab 1 - Room 204 Second Floor New Building BScBNE32-Bachelor of Science in Network Engineering S 30/08/2021 |
09:00-10:00 |
Break |
10:30-11:30 | BSC312-Critical Infrastracture Protection Executive Lab 1 - Room 204 Second Floor New Building Col J. Mulenga BScSCS32-Bachelor of Science in Security and Crime Science S 30/08/2021 | BSC 112-Introduction to Crime Science Lecturer to be advised Executive Lab 1 - Room 204 Second Floor New Building BScSCS12-Bachelor of Science in Security and Crime Science S 30/08/2021 | BSAC132-Financial Risk Management BSAC12-FT Bachelor of Science in Accounting Starters S 30/08/2021 BSAC12R-FT/PT Bachelor of Science in Accounting Returning S 30/08/2021 Executive Lab 1 - Room 204 Second Floor New Building Kafula Kabwibwi (Ms) | NCCCFII-Computer Forensics and Incident Investigations Executive Lab 1 - Room 204 Second Floor New Building Jere E.B. (Dr) NCCDCS-FT Diploma in Computing (With Cyber Security) S 30/08/2021 | BBM132-FT Mathematics for Technologists Chisala Gillien (Ms) BScSCS12-Bachelor of Science in Security and Crime Science S 30/08/2021 Executive Lab 1 - Room 204 Second Floor New Building | CCNA 1-Introduction to Networks CISCO Cisco Systems S 30/08/2021 Executive Lab 1 - Room 204 Second Floor New Building Zulu J (Mr) |
11:30-12:30 | ||||||
Lunch |
14:00-15:00 | NCCCFII-Computer Forensics and Incident Investigations Executive Lab 1 - Room 204 Second Floor New Building Jere E.B. (Dr) NCCDCS-FT Diploma in Computing (With Cyber Security) S 30/08/2021 | BAC242-FT Decision Making Techniques BMA22-Bachelor of Management Accounting S 30/08/2021 BAC22-Bachelor of Accountancy S 30/08/2021 Executive Lab 1 - Room 204 Second Floor New Building Mwiinga B (Mr) BACC22-FT/PT Bachelor of Accounting S 30/08/2021 | BNE432-Network Management and Support BScBNE42-Bachelor of Science in Network Engineering S 30/08/2021 Executive Lab 1 - Room 204 Second Floor New Building Zulu J (Mr) | L232-Banking Law II Executive Lab 1 - Room 204 Second Floor New Building Rolls D (Mr) LLB - Commercial Law Year 2 - Semester 2 S 30/08/2021 | BNE 322-Database Engineering Executive Lab 1 - Room 204 Second Floor New Building Zulu J (Mr) BScBNE32-Bachelor of Science in Network Engineering S 30/08/2021 |
15:00-16:00 |
16:00-17:00 | BBM132-FT Mathematics for Technologists Chisala Gillien (Ms) BScSCS12-Bachelor of Science in Security and Crime Science S 30/08/2021 Executive Lab 1 - Room 204 Second Floor New Building | BBM132-FT Mathematics for Technologists Chisala Gillien (Ms) BScSCS12-Bachelor of Science in Security and Crime Science S 30/08/2021 Executive Lab 1 - Room 204 Second Floor New Building | BSC 112-Introduction to Crime Science Lecturer to be advised Executive Lab 1 - Room 204 Second Floor New Building BScSCS12-Bachelor of Science in Security and Crime Science S 30/08/2021 | BSC 112-Introduction to Crime Science Lecturer to be advised Executive Lab 1 - Room 204 Second Floor New Building BScSCS12-Bachelor of Science in Security and Crime Science S 30/08/2021 |
Part Time |
17:30-18:45 | Project Management Executive Lab 1 - Room 204 Second Floor New Building MScIT12-FT Masters of Science in IT-ZCASU S 30/08/2021 Jere E.B. (Dr) | AD-Agile Development Emmanuel Lwele (Mr) Executive Lab 1 - Room 204 Second Floor New Building NCCL5DC-PT Computing Starters+Continuing S 30/08/2021 | NCCDDD-PT Database Design & Development NCCL5BIT-PT L5 Business Info Technology S 30/08/2021 Mwiza Phiri Mwenda (Mrs) Executive Lab 1 - Room 204 Second Floor New Building |
MIT122-Security Management MScIT12-FT Masters of Science in IT-ZCASU S 30/08/2021 Executive Lab 1 - Room 204 Second Floor New Building Jere E.B. (Dr) |
18:45-20:10 |
Mimosa Scheduling Software 7.1.10 08/07/2022 15:02 |