BScITS22-Bacheloar of Science in Internet Technologies and Security S: 30/08/2021 [1]
   Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
BTS 212-Operating Systems
Mwiinga J (Mr)
Executive Lab 1 - Room 204 Second Floor New Building
BScITS22-Bacheloar of Science in Internet Technologies and Security S 30/08/2021
CCNA 2-Routing and Switching Essentials
Lab Room 4
Mwanza G (Mr)
BScITS22-Bacheloar of Science in Internet Technologies and Security S 30/08/2021 BScBNE22-Bachelor of Science in Network Engineering S 30/08/2021 CISCO Cisco Systems S 30/08/2021
BTS212-Operating Systems
Mwiinga J (Mr)
BScITS22-Bacheloar of Science in Internet Technologies and Security S 30/08/2021
Lab 3 Room 213
BBC412/BTS222-FT Software Engineering
Room 13 - Old Building Ground Floor
Mwiinga J (Mr)
BScITS22-Bacheloar of Science in Internet Technologies and Security S 30/08/2021 BBC42-FT/PT Bachelor of Business Computing S 30/08/2021
BSC232-Internet Programming
Prudence Kalunga (Ms)
BScITS22-Bacheloar of Science in Internet Technologies and Security S 30/08/2021 BScSCS22-Bachelor of Science in Security and Crime Science S 30/08/2021
Lab 2b Room 212 - Old Building
CCNA 2-Routing and Switching Essentials
Lab Room 4
Mwanza G (Mr)
BScITS22-Bacheloar of Science in Internet Technologies and Security S 30/08/2021 BScBNE22-Bachelor of Science in Network Engineering S 30/08/2021 CISCO Cisco Systems S 30/08/2021
BBC412/BTS222-FT Software Engineering
Room 13 - Old Building Ground Floor
Mwiinga J (Mr)
BScITS22-Bacheloar of Science in Internet Technologies and Security S 30/08/2021 BBC42-FT/PT Bachelor of Business Computing S 30/08/2021
Part Time
CCNA 2-Routing and Switching Essentials
BScITS22-Bacheloar of Science in Internet Technologies and Security S 30/08/2021
Mwanza G (Mr)
BScBNE22-Bachelor of Science in Network Engineering S 30/08/2021 CISCO Cisco Systems S 30/08/2021
Lab Room 4
BSC 232-Internet Programming/Web Development
BScITS22-Bacheloar of Science in Internet Technologies and Security S 30/08/2021
Prudence Kalunga (Ms)
BScSCS22-Bachelor of Science in Security and Crime Science S 30/08/2021
Lecture Theatre Room 115/116 1st Floor New Building
Mimosa Scheduling SoftwareMimosa Scheduling Software Mimosa Scheduling Software 7.1.10 08/07/2022 15:01
Zambia Centre for Accountancy Studies